Cali Estes Performance coach

What Is a Performance Coach?

Are you interested in your personal or professional development? Did someone mention that you could benefit from a performance coach?

 If you have a goal or are ready to take your business or career to the next level, then hiring a performance coach may be just what you need. So, let’s look at what a performance coach is, some benefits of performance coaching, and what to look for in a performance coach.


What Is a Performance Coach? 

A performance coach helps clients achieve their goals and reach their highest potential in their field. High-performance coaches can work with athletes, managers, teams, or anyone interested in reaching the top of their career path. They will help create actionable steps that people or groups need to take to get where they want to be.

A performance coach motivates individuals to become their best selves. A performance coach can use their experience and skills to help clients discover their greatest strengths, weaknesses, and areas that need improvement.

Benefits of Performance Coaching

There are many benefits to performance coaching. You may have specific goals that you want to accomplish when it comes to your job performance. 

A performance coach can help you to become more productive. A performance coach can help you discover your strengths and how to apply them to your job. You will also gain better self-awareness when working with a productivity coach. 

Some other possible benefits of performance coaching can include:

  • Improved relationships with other employees
  • Build better teamwork and collaboration
  • Increased job satisfaction
  • Better stress management
  • Increased active listening
  • Better time management
  • Improved leadership skills
  • Increased time management skills
  • Increase in sales, customer service, or networking


No matter what industry you work in, performance coaching will help your work-life balance.


What To Look For in a Performance Coach?

You want to find a performance coach to fit your unique needs. There are also some traits that a good performance coach should have. 

One of the first things you should look for when searching for a performance coach is their real-world experience. Find out what industry they have experience in and determine if it aligns with the industry that you are in. 

Find out if they have had any clients in your industry. If so, they have experience working with folks like you, and you could be a great match.

You’ll also want to see if the two of you have compatibility. Most coaches will offer a discovery call where you two can decide if working together would be beneficial. This discovery call is an excellent time to ask questions to see if you and the potential coach will be compatible. 

A good performance coach will be conversational, and you’ll feel safe sharing some of your personal information with them.

Consider also looking into certification and accreditation. What credentials does the coach hold, and are they accredited with anyone?

Ultimately, you’ll want to find someone with the knowledge and experience that aligns with your professional goals.

Hire a Performance Coach Today

A performance coach can help you improve your performance in school and your personal life. Or, say you don’t like the industry you’re currently in and need help finding a career path that interests you. In that case, a performance coach can help you find a new career.

A performance coach will help you gain the self-awareness and confidence you need to reach your highest potential.

At UnPause Your Life, our coaches can help you improve your workplace productivity and job satisfaction. Reach out to us today for a consultation, and we’ll get you performing at your very best.